The circuit shown below is not at all expensive as the amplifier contains
only an op-amp and four transistors (easily available from your
electronics junk box).Here the op-amp used is uA 741 which produces the
required gain. The four transistors are wired as complementary
Darlington’s which produces the drive for the speaker.
voltage drop across the resistors R2 and R3, are used as the input of
the Darlington pairs . As the input current to the op-amp depends on the
level of the signal op amp is amplifying the voltage drop across the
resistors R2 and R3 will be proportional to the input signal. These
voltage drops are given to the base of Darlington pairs. The
amplification is stabilized as a result of the negative feedback from
the junction of collectors of Q2 and Q4. The theory may seem little
awkward for you. But its working good. Such a simple but stable circuit
as this can produce a reasonable output of 12W on a 4 Ohm speaker.
Transistor Amplifier Circuit Diagram with Parts List.
Transistor Amplifier Circuit Diagram
§ Use a well regulated and filtered power supply for noise free operation.
§ Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.
Any op amp which can be operated from a 12V dual supply can be used instead of uA 741.
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