is the circuit diagram of an ultra sensitive intruder alarm. The shadow
of an intruder passing few meters nearby the circuit is enough to
trigger the alarm.
IC2 uA 741 is wired as a sensitive comparator, whose set point is set
by R6 &R7. The voltage divide by LDR and R9 is given at non
inverting pin of IC2. At standby mode these two voltages are set equal
by adjusting R9. Now the output (pin6) of comparator will be high.
Transistor Q1 will be off. The voltage at trigger pin of IC1 will be
positive and there will be no alarm. When there is an intruder near the
LDR the shadow causes its resistance to increase. Now the voltages at
the inputs of comparator will be different and the output of IC2 will be
low. This makes Q1 on. This makes a negative going pulse to trigger the
IC1 which is wired as a monostable multi-vibrator. The output of IC1
will be amplified by Q2 (SL 100) to produce alarm.
Intruder Alarm Circuit Diagram with Parts List
Intruder Alarm Circuit Diagram
§ To setup the alarm, power up the circuit and adjust R9 so that LED D1 goes off.
§ The LDR can be housed in a dark tube to increase sensitivity.
§ The
sensitivity is very important here. If you cannot adjust the required
sensitivity properly, use one LOW resistance (~1K ) POT in series with
R9 for fine adjustment.
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